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AMCHA Petitions

The following is a list of petitions AMCHA has created, both open and closed.




September 26, 2024
Open - please sign!
Stop Faculty-Fueled Antisemitic Violence
January 10, 2023
Open - please sign!
The Equality Pledge: A Commitment to the Equal Treatment of All Students on Campus
August 2, 2022
University of California Stakeholders and Supporters: Sign Letter to Stop UC Faculty from Injecting Antisemitic "Critical" Ethnic Studies into K-12 Classrooms
April 21, 2022
Open - please sign!
Petition to Leaders of State Universities: No Academic BDS at Our Public Universities
March 22, 2022
University of California Stakeholders and Supporters: Sign Petition to UC Academic Council to Reject Proposal for New UC Admission Requirement that Would Force Antisemitic "Liberated" Curriculum Into All California Public, Charter and Private Schools!
July 15, 2021
4000 Members and Supporters of the California Jewish Community: Second Letter to CA Legislative Jewish Caucus Urging Opposition to AB 101
May 20, 2021
Members and Supporters of the California Jewish Community: Sign Letter Urging CA Legislative Jewish Caucus to Oppose AB 101 and Keep Antisemitic "Critical" Ethnic Studies Curriculum Out of California Classrooms!
September 1, 2020
Open - please sign!
California State University (CSU) Chancellor White and CSU Trustees: How Will CSU Ensure Faculty Do Not Use Classrooms for Political Indoctrination?
July 7, 2020
Ensure CA Curriculum Revision & Review Processes are Completed Before Adoption of Ethnic Studies Curriculum by School Boards
September 18, 2018
Demand University Leaders Stop Professors from Hurting Students with an Academic Boycott of Israel
March 15, 2017
University of California Chancellors: Implement Principles Against Intolerance on all UC Campuses
September 7, 2015
Academic Freedom/BDS statement
 June 2015
UC STAKEHOLDER PETITION: The University of California Must Adopt the U.S. State Department's Definition of Anti-Semitism
"YES, the University of California should adopt the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism to accurately identify and address anti-Semitic behavior on UC campuses. As direct stakeholders of the University of California, we firmly urge the Board of Regents, who will be discussing this issue during their July 2015 meeting, to join three UC student governments and the California Senate in adopting the U.S. State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism."
May 2015
Nearly 700 California Rabbis, UC Faculty Members and UC Alumni Ask the UC System to Formally Adopt the U.S. State Department’s Definition of Anti-Semitism
May 2014
More than 1,000 California Residents Sign AMCHA Petition Asking CA Legislators - Please Help Stop the Use of Taxpayer Dollars Funding Antisemitism
December 20, 2013
Academic Boycotts of Israel are Antisemitic
September 19, 2011
More than 5,200 Sign the Petition to UC President Mark Yudof
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