AMCHA’s Correspondence with UC President Yudof and UC Regent Lansing Regarding HR 35
In response to reports that the UC leadership had rejected Resolution HR 35, the California State Assembly’s unanimously-approved resolution condemning anti-Semitism in California’s colleges and universities, the AMCHA Initiative sent President Yudof a letter asking for clarification of the University’s position.
President Yudof responded to the AMCHA Initiative letter asking for clarification of the UC’s position on HR 35. He reaffirmed that the University will not support the resolution as it is currently written due to 1st Amendment and academic freedom considerations. He objected to two of the resolution’s recommendations and restated the suggested amendments that he sent to Assembly Member Halderman on August 13, 2012.
September 12th, 2012 – AMCHA Co-founders Respond to UC Regents Chairwoman Sherry Lansing’s Letter
AMCHA responded to UC Chairman Sherry Lansing’s letter in response to the Jewish community’s concerns. They detail why her silence regarding the concerns of the Jewish community is deeply disturbing. They once again call on the UC Regents to exercise their legal and moral responsibility to deal with anti-Jewish bigotry.
The AMCHA Initiative responded to President Yudof’s clarification letter. They detailed why his rejection of two of the resolution’s recommendations is deeply concerning. They also pointed out the double standard that seems to exist, as there have been incidents of racist bigotry in which university officials, including President Yudof, without any concern for the 1st amendment, acted in complete accord with the recommendations that they are now disputing.
The AMCHA Initiative wrote a letter to California State Assembly exposing the anti-Jewish bigotry of a group of scholars that call themselves the California Scholars for Academic Freedom (CS4AF). CS4AF claims to protect California scholars from violations of academic freedom, however, their real goal is to protect academics who promote academic boycotts of Israel.