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AMCHA’s Achievements and Impact in 2014





AMCHA’s Achievements and Impact in 2014

Also, New UCLA Alumni Group Forming


AMCHA’s Achievements This Year

Achievements Collage


As 2014 comes to a close, we would like to share with you the ways AMCHA has made significant gains this year in its efforts to protect Jewish and pro-Israel students.

These achievements would not have been possible without your support and your actions throughout the year that have contributed greatly to AMCHA’s successes. We sincerely appreciate all that you have done – from letters and phone calls to social shares – every action you have taken has had an impact. Thank you!

Here are some brief highlights of AMCHA’s achievements over the past year:

  • First-ever public acknowledgement by top University of California administrator that UC policy prohibits graduate student instructors from promoting anti-Israel propaganda and BDS in their classrooms, following AMCHA-led coalition letter to UC President
  • First-ever public acknowledgement by top University of California administrator that UC policy prohibits faculty from promoting anti-Israel propaganda and BDS in their classrooms, following AMCHA-led coalition letter to UC President and Provost
  • Successful removal of a San Francisco State University student for promoting violence against Israelis and Jews, following AMCHA’s revelation to SFSU and law enforcement officials of dozens of his violent social media postings
  • 5-year audit of SFSU professor’s travel expenses, following AMCHA’s disclosure to University officials and CA State Controller of documents showing the professor had used state monies to travel to the Middle East and meet with individuals affiliated with terrorist organizations
  • Strong public condemnation by UCLA Chancellor Block and UC President Napolitano of the UCLA Students for Justice in Palestine for harassing students who had taken trips to Israel sponsored by Jewish organizations, following AMCHA-led coalition letter and presentation before the UC Regents
  • Joint statement on need for reform of Title VI of the Higher Education Act by 10 civil rights and advocacy organizations to leaders of the Congressional House Education and Workforce Committee and the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, and letters from four federal legislators calling for an investigation by the U.S. Department of Education of the abuse of Title VI funding, following the AMCHA report on antisemitic activity and anti-Israel bias at the Title VI-funded Center for Near Eastern Studies at UCLA
  • Disclosure to more than 100 university presidents of an internal Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) document outlining a strategy for disrupting pro-Israel student events and silencing Jewish and pro-Israel perspectives, following AMCHA’s discovery of the document

For these impressive achievements, AMCHA Initiative was nominated as “Best Grassroots Pro-Israel Organization in 2014” by the influential pro-Israel blog Elder of Ziyon.

(You can see a comprehensive summary of AMCHA’s efforts in 2014 HERE).

Please help us continue our important work of protecting
Jewish and pro-Israel students on U.S. campuses.

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AMCHA Initiative is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
All donations are tax deductible.
Federal Identification Number 46-0774311.


New UCLA Alumni Group Forming

UCLA Alumnus or Alumna

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Thank you for your support.

Warm regards,

AMCHA Initiative




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