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Supporters of UAW 2865 Resolution Calling for Academic Boycott of Israel

Supporters of UAW 2865 Resolution Calling for Academic Boycott of Israel


On July 29, 2014, the 83-member joint council of UAW 2865, the union representing all of the teaching assistants, tutors and readers at the 9 teaching campuses of the University of California, issued a statement outlining the union’s intent to support the anti-Israel and antisemitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and to seek a full-membership vote on the statement this coming year.

Below are names of the UC graduate students on the UAW 2865’s joint council, as well as other union members who have supported the union’s resolution:


UC Berkeley

*Evan Bissell, Head Steward, Public Health
*Francisco Martin del Campo, Head Steward, History
*César Bowley Castillo, Head Steward, Latin American Studies
**Mandy Cohen, Former Statewide Recording Secretary (Executive Board), Comparative Literature/Yiddish
*Krista L. Cortes, Campus Chair, Education
*Margaret Mary Downey, Head Steward, Education
**Lisa Feldstein, Member, City and Regional Planning
***Katy Fox-Hodess, Statewide Guide (Executive Board), Sociology
*Blanca Gamez-Djokic, Head Steward, Education
*Marianne Kaletzky, Head Steward, Comparative Literature
***Seth Leibson, Head Steward (Joint Council), Sociology
**Rachel Lesser, Former Head Steward (Joint Council), Classics
**Zachary Levenson, Former Head Steward (Joint Council), Sociology
**Susie Levy, Member, Public Health
**Roi Livne, Member, Sociology
**Larisa Mann, Former Head Steward (Joint Council), Law and Jurisprudence
*Beezer de Martelly, Trustee Joint Council, Music
**Ramsey McGlazer, Member, Comparative Literature
*James Morton, Head Steward, History
***Robbie Nelson, Campus Recording Secretary (Joint Council), History
*Meredith A. Palmer, Head Steward, Geography
**Manuel Rosaldo, Former Head Steward (Joint Council), Sociology
**Jocelyn Saidenberg, Member, Comparative Literature
***Emma Silverman, Head Steward (Joint Council), Art History
*Jonathan Smucker, Head Steward, Sociology
**Rebecca Tarlau, Former Head Steward (Joint Council), Education
*Joanne Tien, Head Steward, Education
*Mar Velez, Northern VP, City and Regional Planning and the School of Public Health
**Megan Wachspress, Former Campus Recording Secretary (Joint Council), Law and Jurisprudence
*Daniel Woo, Head Steward, Ethnic Studies

UC Davis

*Nicholas Ammar, Head Steward, Anthropology
*Emily Breuninger, Head Steward, Sociology
*Brandon Buchanan, Head Steward, Sociology
* Stephen Cox, Recording Sec., History
*Ashlyn Jaeger, Head Steward, Sociology
**Hannah Kagan-Moore, Member, Art History
*Susan Richardson, Trustee Joint Council, Sociology
*Marco Antonio Rosales, Campus Chair, History
*Melissa Salm, Head Steward, Anthropology
*Pablo Silva Jr., Head Steward, History
*Tory Webster, Head Steward, Anthropology
*Duane Wright, Head Steward, Sociology
**Eran Zelnik, Former Head Steward (Joint Council), History

UC Irvine

*John Brock, Head Steward, Computer Science
*Kelsey Collier, Head Steward, Physics and Astronomy
*Laurie Dickmeyer, Head Steward, History
**Mariel Gruszko, Member, Anthropology
*Elizabeth Heckmaier, Campus Chair, Physics and Astronomy
*Kurt Horner, Head Steward, Economics
**Sarah Kessler, Member, Comparative Literature
*Moshe Lichman, Recording Sec., Computer Science
*Vaibhav Saini, Head Steward, Computer Science
*Kelsey Collier, Head Steward, Physics and Astronomy

UC Los Angeles

*Jamie An, Head Steward
*Jason Ball, Recording Sec., Political Science
*Courtney Cecale, Head Steward, Anthropology
**Abigail Collins, Member, Art
**Kareem Elzein, Education and Information Studies
*Roni Hirsch, Head Steward, Political Science
*Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith, Campus Chair, Sociology
*Mathew Sandoval, Head Steward, World Cultures/Dance
*Lauren Schaeffer, Head Steward, Philosophy
*Elizabeth Thornton, Head Steward, Indo-European Studies
*Ezekiel Trautenberg, Head Steward, Spanish and Portuguese
*Cody Trojan, Head Steward, Political Science
*Samuel Weeks, Head Steward, Anthropology
*Melissa Whitley, Head Steward, Gender Studies

UC Merced

*Dorie Perez, Campus Chair, World Cultures

UC Riverside

*Andrew J DeGroot, Head Steward, Physics and Astronomy
*Natalie De Howitt, Head Steward, Bioengineering
*Irene Morrison, Recording Sec., English
*Jackson Pitts, Head Steward, Physics and Astronomy
*Deborah De La Riva, Head Steward, Entomology
*Jason Young Struna, Campus Chair, Sociology

UC Santa Barbara

**Heather Berg, Member, Feminist Studies
*Alex Blue V, Head Steward, Music
*Rosalie J. Carlson, Head Steward, Math
*Ben Coté, Head Steward, Math
*Henry Maar, Trustee Joint Council, History
***Aviva Milner-Brage, Campus Unit Chair (Joint Council), Music
*Patrick Mooney, Head Steward, English
**Kurt Newman, Member, History
**Emily Schneider, Member, Sociology
*Samir Sonti, Head Steward, History
*Zeynep Tuna, Recording Secretary, Political Science

UC Santa Cruz

**Josh Brahinsky, Former Campus Recording Secretary (Joint Council), History of Consciousness
***Robert Cavooris, Recording Sec. Joint Council, History of Consciousness
*Michelle Glowa, President Joint Council, Environmental Studies (and Sociology affiliation)
*Erik Green, Financial Sec. Joint Council, Education
**Evan Grupsmith, Former Head Steward, History
* Asad Haider, Sergeant at Arms Joint Council, History of Consciousness
* Jeb Purucker, Campus Chair, Literature
* Amanda Reyes, Head Steward Joint Council, History of Consciousness
**Benjamin Schultz-Figueroa, Member, Film and Digital Media
**Clara Sherley-Appel, Member, Linguistics
**Alisun Thompson, Member, Education, Lecturer and Post-doctoral Researcher
**Maayan Tsadka, Member, Music

UC San Diego

**Michael Berman, Member, Anthropology
*Barbara Ann Bush, Head Steward, Communication
*Maria Celleri, Head Steward, Ethnic Studies
*Alborz Ghandehari. Recording Sec., Ethnic Studies
*Daniel Alejandro Gutiérrez, Head Steward, Latin American Studies
*Malathi Iyengar, Campus Chair, Ethnic Studies
*Linh Nguyen, Head Steward, Ethnic Studies
*Mychal Matsemela-Ali Odom, Head Steward, Ethnic Studies
*Raquel Pacheco, Head Steward, Anthropology
*Pablo Pérez, Head Steward, Sociology
*Leslie Quintanilla, Recording Sec. General Council, Ethnic Studies
*Cynthia Vazquez, Head Steward, Latin American Studies

* UAW 2865 Joint Council members who approved original resolution:
** UAW 2865 members who signed petition in support of resolution:
*** Both on Joint Council and signed petition in support of resolution


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