CSU Trustees Tell AMCHA They Did NOT Give CSUN
Professor Permission to Promote Boycott of Israel
Action Alert: Urge CSUN President to Remove Unlawful
and Antisemitic Webpage from CSUN Website
Thanks to the efforts of the AMCHA Initiative and supporters, California State University Board of Trustees have provided the AMCHA Initiative with confirmation that they did NOT give permission to CSU Northridge Mathematics Prof. David Klein to use the CSUN website to host his “Boycott Israel Resource Page.”
Without the CSU Trustees’ approval, Klein is in violation of California Education Code 89005.5, which specifically prohibits the unauthorized use of the CSU name for promoting any boycott.
With this new information which clarifies that Klein’s actions are illegal, we are now turning our attention to CSUN President Dianne Harrison. In a letter sent to her earlier today, we have asked her the following question:
In light of Prof. Klein’s unlawful behavior, do you intend to remove his antisemitic “Boycott Israel Resource Page” from the CSUN server?
You can see our letter to President Harrison HERE.
Please add your voices to ours by writing CSUN President Harrison and urging her to immediately remove Klein’s antisemitic and unlawful webpage from the CSUN server.
President Harrison can be reached at: dianne.harrison@csun.edu.
Please copy or blind-copy the AMCHA Initiative on your letter at: administrator@AMCHAinitiative.org.
Here is a list of CSU and government officials that you may wish to copy and paste into the “Cc:” field of your letter:
lhernandez@calstate.edu, twhite@calstate.edu, gajones@calstate.edu, attorneygeneral@doj.ca.gov, stepan.Haytayan@doj.ca.gov,
Douglas.Woods@doj.ca.gov, ttorlakson@cde.ca.gov, Speaker.Perez@assembly.ca.gov, Senator.Padilla@sen.ca.gov, Assemblymember.Buchanan@assembly.ca.gov, brad.sherman@mail.house.gov
If you are a CSU student, relative, alumnus, faculty, staff or donor, you may want to note your affiliation with the CSU system in your letter.
Thank you!