AMCHA’s Achievements and Impact in 2015
As 2015 comes to a close, we would like to share with you the important contributions that AMCHA has made in the fight against campus antisemitism and efforts to protect Jewish students.
AMCHA’s achievements would not have been possible without your support and your actions throughout the year. We sincerely appreciate all that you have done – from letters, phone calls, social shares and donations – every action you have taken has had an impact. Thank you!

Click Image to View Presentation, “2015: Successes & Impact”
- Favorable University Responses: As a result of an AMCHA-led campaign urging the University of California to adopt a definition of antisemitism, the UC Regents- for the first time – publicly acknowledged the problem of antisemitism on UC campuses, committed themselves to addressing the problem, and formed a working group to issue a statement against intolerance.
- Strength in Numbers: AMCHA established and has facilitated an at-will coalition of more than 50 civil rights, education and advocacy organizations to strategize about and participate in joint actions to combat campus antisemitism.
- Engaging Stakeholders: AMCHA established a UCLA alumni group and a nationwide alumni network in order to leverage the clout and influence of university alumni and donors in urging administrators to address antisemitism.
- Impact at the Federal Level: AMCHA’s reports on the anti-Israel bias of federally-funded Middle East studies programs have played an important role in getting the U.S. Department of Education to issue more stringent guidelines to ensure that programs receiving federal grants will promote diverse perspectives and a wide range of views.
- Keeping Track of the Problem: AMCHA has documented on its website in 2015:
- 179 antisemitic incidents occurring on 87 campuses
- 42 incidents of swastikas
- 14 Jewish student events disrupted
- 26 anti-Israel divestment resolutions, of which 12 passed and 14 were defeated
- 165 Jewish student testimonials from 43 campuses
- Probing Deeper: AMCHA conducted an on-line survey of 229 Jewish students at the University of California and found that most had experienced or witnessed antisemitism; that Jewish students are targeted regardless of their feelings on Israel; and that BDS campaigns have gone far beyond scholarly debate and criticism and directly into hate and antisemitism.
- Educating for Engagement:
- 750+ articles mentioned AMCHA’s work in 2015
- 16 op-eds were penned & published by AMCHA co-founders
- AMCHA developed and disseminated an Antisemitism Questionnaire for prospective students and families, to help them evaluate the campus climate for Jewish students
You can see a comprehensive summary of AMCHA’s efforts in 2015
AMCHA will continue protecting Jewish students.
Please support our important work with an end-of-year donation:
AMCHA Initiative is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
All donations are tax deductible.
Federal Identification Number 46-0774311.
In 2015, Hundreds of Antisemitic Incidents Occurred on U.S. Campuses, For Example:
- CUNY MEDGER EVERS COLLEGE – An Orthodox Jewish student was punched multiple times by an assailant who said, “Leave the school, you Jew.”
- UC SANTA CRUZ – A Jewish member of the student government was warned to “abstain” from voting on a BDS resolution because he was “elected with a Jewish agenda.”
- CUNY HUNTER COLLEGE – Members of Students for Justice in Palestine chanted “Zionists out of CUNY” & “Long Live the Intifada” at a campus rally.
- UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO – Antisemitic social media posts about a BDS resolution included: “Gas them, burn them and dismantle their power structure. Humanity cannot progress with the parasitic Jew.”
- UC DAVIS – A Jewish fraternity house was de-faced with swastikas days after a BDS vote and “Grout out the Jews” was found at the Hillel House before the vote.
- TOWSON UNIVERSITY – “Hitler was right” and “With Jews you lose” were written in the middle of campus.
- UCLA – A student is challenged as a student government candidate simply for being Jewish and affiliated with Jewish organizations.
If you haven’t already done so, please join our Alumni Network! Thank you for taking action to protect Jewish students!
Warm regards,
AMCHA Initiative