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1. Muslim and Pro-Palestinian student groups and the harassment and intimidation of Jewish students
- Leila Beckwith and Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, “Are Jewish Students Safe on California Campuses?” American Thinker, April 25, 2010: http://www. are_jewish_students_safe_on_ ca.html
- Leila Beckwith, “California’s Most Anti-Semitic College”, Minding the Campus, September 16, 2010: http://www. originals/2010/09/post_70.html
2. Academic Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism
- Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, “Anti-Zionism and the Abuse of Academic Freedom: A Case Study at the University of California Santa Cruz,” Post Holocaust and Anti-Semitism, No. 77, 1 February 2009:
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- Leila Beckwith and Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, “Academic Freedom and the Anti-Zionists,” American Thinker, March 14, 2009: http://www. does_academic_freedom_have_ lim.html
3. The Olive Tree Initiative
- Leila Beckwith, “The Olive Tree Initiative: A Fig Leaf for Anti-Semitism,” American Thinker, January 2, 2011: http://www. the_olive_tree_initiative_a_ fi.html
- Leila Beckwith, “The University of California’s Anti-Semitism Problem Deepens,” American Thinker, April 5, 2011: http://www. the_university_of_californias. html
4. Fighting Back against Antisemitism at the University of California
- A federal complaint against UC Santa Cruz, filed by Tammi Rossman-Benjamin with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights in 2009, alleging that the virulent anti-Israel rhetoric of faculty in their classrooms and at departmentally sponsored events had created a hostile environment for Jewish students on her campus. The Office of Civil Rights opened an investigation of the complaint in March 2011:
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- Letter to UC President Mark Yudof, signed by 12 Jewish organizations, detailing the problem of anti-Jewish harassment on UC campuses and asking him to address the problem promptly and forcefully, June 28 2011:
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- Kenneth L. Marcus, “Fighting Back Against Campus Anti-Semitism,” Minding the Campus, March 28, 2011: http://www. originals/2011/03/fighting_ back_against_campus_a.html
- “Lawsuit Details Depth of Berkeley Jewish Student Harassment,” IPT News, August 12, 2011: http://www. lawsuit-details-depth-of- berkeley-jewish-student